Results from androbench:
100MB Read, 50MB Write in Settings for more accurate score(For HPH)
HPH RK3288/ r89 / firetv / Draco AW80

seq. read MB/s
46.4 / 35,84 / 81,63 / 29.45

seq. write MB/s
13.75 / 10,12 / 13,41 / 6.38

random read MB/s
9.17 / 5,51 / 10,82 / 7.62

Random write MB/s
1.45 / 0,23 / 0,82 / 0.25

sql insert TPS (Transactions per second)
131.86 / 33,65 / 98,0 / 26.31

sql update TPS (Transactions per second)
158.98 / 37,71 / 103,34 / 31.71

sql delete (Transactions per second)
158.98 / 37,84 / 105,44 / 31.59

browser (msec) (Deleted stock browser, so don't know if this is accurate)
79.75 / 345,5 / 119,0 / 290.75

Maybe people can do new benchmarks with latest firmware for their devices and also wifi/ethernet performance.

Thanks to bloodgnome that did the tests, I added the HPH ones.
Think bloodgnome's test were done on default settings, maybe redo tests with bigger read/write test file for more accurate results in androbench. The default 32MB read and 2MB write files in settings is less than a second, so not accurate.